Some people don’t understand that you can actually be a seller of options. They think that you can only buy a put or buy a call, but this is not the case. Just like a car dealer will sell you a car before it’s even in their inventory, you can do the same thing with
Kevin Matras looks at the ‘short ratio’ as a market sentiment indicator and shows how to use it for finding winning stocks. Highlighted stocks include CONN, CWTR, HNZ, VMED and WGO.
Download Preston’s 1 page checklist for finding great stock picks: Preston Pysh is the #1 selling Amazon author of two books on Warren Buffett. The books can be found at the following location: In lesson five, we learned that Warren Buffett has four rules that he uses for investing in stocks. All the rules
This is the right way if you want to start making money from your trading. The thing is that you need to stay away from that first 30 minutes after the market opens. #tradingskill #tradingearly #stockmarketopens #tradingsmart #tradingbeginners Posted at: ? GET MY FREEBIES Freebies ? SUBMIT A VOICE QUESTION Question – Hungry for
Hey everybody, Dave Bartosiak here with Trending Stocks. Big data is a big deal. Nowadays, everything we do is tracked, stored, analyzed and used to make decisions. The most infamous examples of this are tech giants Facebook and Google. Well, a new big data, big brother, big paranoia for the tin hat wearing crowd has